Practical training is defined as work 经验 in the student’s major field of study 这可以在校外进行. 有两种类型的实践培训可供选择 international students: 课程实践训练(CPT) and Optional Practical 培训. 


Curricular Practice 培训 (CPT) is a temporary employment authorization that allows F-1 students to engage in an off campus academic 实习s or employment that is a required or an integral part of their academic curriculum.

  • Occurs before the student’s program end date on the Form I-20
  • Authorization is for one specific employer and for a specific period of time
  • Student must secure the training opportunity before CPT can be authorized


  • Part-time: Up to 20 hours per week during the academic year (Fall, Spring and Summer)
  • Full-time: More than 20 hours or more per week (only available during Summer)
    • One year of full-time CPT eliminates a student’s eligibility for Optional Practical 培训(选择)



  • 持有有效的F-1签证
  • Have been lawfully enrolled full-time for at least one full academic year or will 在申请的90天内完成一年
  • Engage in work training that is integral part of their curriculum AND is directly 与学生的相关 主修领域
  • Have secured an 实习 offer related to the major or field of study
  • 英语不是作为第二语言学习吗
  • Will be enrolled in a major course that requires field work or an 实习 course (总线070A或总线070B)


PCC students who engage in CPT must be concurrently enrolled in a clinical, fieldwork, practicum or 实习 course at the college to ensure you are meeting learning objectives 与你基于工作的学习相关.

In some majors, fieldwork, practicum or clinical work 经验 is required to graduate so you will be enrolled in your major's appropriate 实习, fieldwork, practicum 或者临床经验课. In majors that do not have this requirement, students will enroll in BUS 070A: Paid Internships or BUS 070B: Unpaid Internships to fulfill the learning objectives of your practical training. 


安全 实习并获得工作录用函

1a. For students in majors with clinical, fieldwork or practicum classes: Your program director or instructor will likely secure or provide you with your 实习. 按照下一个步骤来获得雇佣信. 

1b. For students in majors with no clinical, fieldwork or practicum classes: Speak with an Internship/Work Based Learning staff at the 弗里曼职业和完成中心 if you need help finding an 实习 or if you already have an 实习 secured, to start your Curricular Practical 培训 authorization. 

2. Once you have secured an 实习 and/or met with a Work Based Learning staff, 向你的雇主索要工作邀请函. Students who are enrolled in majors with clinical, fieldwork or practicum classes should 收到 their job offer letter from their program director or clinical, fieldwork or practicum instructor.

The Work Based Learning 工作人员 can also provide guidance in obtaining this letter. This letter should be in the company’s letterhead and include the following information:

- Average number of hours or total number of hours of employment
- Indicate whether the training is full-time or part-time
- Indicate employer’s name; employer’s address; supervisor’s full name, telephone and email address; and brief explanation of duties

For students in majors with clinical, fieldwork or practicum classes: Enroll in the required clinical, field work or practium course and complete, with 你的项目主管或指导老师 课程实践培训要求, or

For students in majors with no clinical, fieldwork or practicum classes: Enroll in the 一般实习课程 if your major does not require field work 经验. 报名参加 一般实习课程,联系博士。. 金伯利Shediak, 教师 Lead, once you have secured the 实习 and have the job offer letter. Provide the following information in your email to Dr. Shediak:

  1. Explain your interest in enrolling in the BUS 070A or BUS 070B 实习 class and include in your email your three learning goals for your 实习
  2. Attach your job offer letter (see Step #1 for details)
  3. 连接完成 课程实践训练(CPT)申请
  4. If the instructor approves your enrollment in the class, you will be provided a signed CPT Request and instructions on how to register for the 实习 class (BUS 070A 或BUS070B)
电子邮件 CPT Request and copy of your job offer letter to your ISC 顾问 or to 

你会 收到 an email confirmation once your CPT is authorized with the following: 

  1. 有CPT授权的新I-20. 在CPT I-20上签名并注明日期
  2. Instructions on how to apply for a Social Security Number

You can start your 实习 as soon as you 收到 your Social Security Number and 把它提供给你的雇主.

If any details of your CPT change, please notify your ISC 顾问 or email

  • CPT is only approved for the duration of the class
  • 每学期需要一个新的授权
  • Students cannot begin working until AFTER they have 收到d CPT approval from ISC 顾问
  • 遵循CPT授权规则. 不要在工作的开始和结束之外 约会或为另一家公司
  • Continue to maintain full time enrollment unless approved for a 减少课程负担
  • Report any changes in name, address, employer and loss of employment to ISC within 如有变动,10天内通知