To edit the content of your snippets, you will need to access the WYSIWYG Editor for your page via DirectEdit. If you are not sure how to do this, please review our Editing Pages in Modern Campus CMS Tutorial.

The Snippet Edit Table

When in Edit View of the WYSIWYG Editor, 片段 will not look the same as they do 在现场. Instead, they will be displayed as a “Snippet Edit Table”, only displaying the content 片段的, not the styling

Though the look of a Snippet Edit Table varies for each 代码片段的类型, you will always see a table for a snippet when you are inside the WYSIWYG editor 对页面.

Edit view of a snippet

Editing the Content in a Snippet

Once you are in the WYSIWYG Editor for the page you are editing, you can change the content within a snippet just like you would edit regular page content. Each snippet is organized somewhat differently and has different content areas you 可以编辑. 阅读我们的 代码片段的类型 to find out more information about editing a specific snippet.

The Dos and Don'ts of 编辑片段 

片段 can be a little temperamental. It’s very easy to delete the wrong thing which will result in the snippet being broken.  So it’s important to follow our snippet 注意事项:

  1. 先保存一个版本!
    Before editing snippets, ALWAYS save a version of page before you begin editing. That way, in case the snippet edits go wrong, you can always revert back to when things were going right.
  2. Stay Away From the Red "No" Icon
    As you move your mouse over certain parts of the Snippet Edit Table, you will notice a red circle with a slash icon appear. These are the areas you can ignore completely. These areas are providing contextual information (i.e. The name of the Snippet, column titles, formatting directions). There is no content in there and no need to edit or 改变这些.
  3. Do NOT Copy and Paste Content In 片段
    Doing so almost always breaks the snippet. When editing a snippet, it’s best practice to just 类型 content directly into the Snippet Edit Table — don’t paste it from somewhere 其他的. It may be tedious up front, but will save you time in the end!
  4. Do NOT Delete the Snippet Edit Table
    If you no longer want the snippet or any of its content on the page, ask us for help! If you try to delete a snippet, you will see it’s pretty tough. Even if you highlight the whole Snippet Edit Table, it still will often leave “stuff” behind which will cause errors on your live page
  5. Don’t Mess with Style or Formatting
    On the live site, the 片段 will display text in pre-configured formats and styles. So, do not spend time trying to add different styles to the text in a snippet. 大多数 likely, the style changes you try to add will be overridden by the preconfigured styles 片段的.

Get More Help With 片段

Now that you know the general dos and don'ts of editing content in snippets, review our 代码片段的类型 guide for more editing information, specific to each snippet 类型.